Pencil Case – DIY

Me: ” What is your favorite animal?”

Twin 1: ” Hamster”

Me: “ok, and your name is …?”

Twin 1: ” I’m Abie”

Me: ” and what’s yours?”

Twin 2: ” Turtle”

Me: “and you are Alie right?”

Twin 2: “Yes”

That’s the conversation a week ago. I was thinking about making something for their 7th birthday and planning to incorporate their favorite animals into my projects. Then with all the things happening here and there, I almost changed my mind… life would be much easier if I would just go to the store and purchase something as the gifts, problem seemed to be solved, fast. Well at the end of the day I decided to make pencil cases instead, my gifts to them would be something that nobody can get from store, something that nobody else has because it’s personalized only for them. Hope they like it as much as I do 🙂


pencil case 1




pencil case 4


pencil case 2

pencil case 3




Lohikeitto – Finnish Salmon Soup

This is the soup that has become a hot topic between me, my mom, and my cousin… Lohikeitto, creamy salmon soup. Such a perfect soup for this fall weather. When I and my mom visited Helsinki last month, this soup was almost in our daily menu… we kept talking about how delicious it was and how we would miss it.

After spending nights googling and reviewing recipes, I finally came up with this. Enjoy!




1. Saute 1 C sliced leek and 1/4 C chopped onion in 1.5 tbs butter until wilt.

2. Add 1 C diced potato and 1/2 C thinly sliced carrot.

3. Add 3 C fish stock and 1 C water, cook until potatoes are soft then add 1 C heavy cream (less or more if you prefer thinner or thicker soup).

4. Stir to mix then add 2 small bay leaves, 2 lime leaves, 1/2 tbs pink pepper corn, 1 bunch chopped dill leaves.

5. Let it boiled for another 5minutes before adding 2 C diced salmon, continue to cook until the salmon is cooked through. Add salt to taste. Add 1 tbs butter then turn it off.

6. Serve, bon appétit!


Petite Apron

Made this apron for my friend’s daughter for her birthday. As I know that she likes to help mommy in the kitchen, I thought an apron would be a perfect gift. This was the project I did a month ago, almost forgot to post it.


Kid apron

Yeah.. I know.. You probably have seen this green polkadot fabric everywhere in my projects… can’t help it since I still have lots of this fabric and don’t you think it’s so cute 🙂