
I found this beautiful writing in my ObGyn Office….



The Universe yet incomplete

on the sixth day GOD created her


and GOD said to her

I shall give to you

a heart full of compassion

a spirit free to fly with the birds

a vessel to carry life into the world

wisdom to know the great truths

courage to rise out of oppression

strength to move mountains

gentleness to kiss the earth

passion to set the world on fire

vision to respect the earth that bore you

a playful nature to dance with children

laughter to fill the valleys

tears to wash pain away

hands for laboring and loving

intuition to know the unknown

desire to be that which you were created to be

and GOD said to her


I have created you in My image and likeness and


Crochet Placemat with Batik Edge Binding – DIY

Balik lagi ke crochet addiction, kali ini idea nya dari link di sini. Sebenarnya versi original nya sudah cantik tapi rasanya kurang seru kalau cuma mengcopy paste apa adanya saja. Nah biar lebih fun saya modifikasi sedikit pattern nya, baris 18 dihilangkan dan langsung diakhiri dengan single crochet untuk trim nya. Sesudah itu tinggal menambah edge binding dr kain batik perca.

crochet placemat

Pas ngambil photo, jadi muncul idea memajang piring “bersejarah” ini. Critanya ini piring sudah travel 1/2 lingkaran bumi dari Pontianak sampai Atlanta. Ini piring peninggalan keluarga suami, dari generasi kakeknya. Walaupun bukan piring mewah atau fancy, tp sejarah keberadaan nya sudah cukup membuatnya istimewa… apalagi kalau membayangkan si little M akan menjadi generasi ke 4 yang memakainya.


crochet placemat 3

crochet placemat 1

crochet placemat 2

A Slice of Spring at Atlanta Botanical Garden

Spring is my favorite season. it reminds me of hope, the hope for new beginning, the hope for new circle of life, the hope for a better tomorrow. Watching all those beautiful plants sprouting, growing, and blooming in the rhythm of spring symphony really awes me. How sweet is spring, how sweet is life.

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Precious Expression of a Tibetan Boy

This is not picture that I took. It just happened to steal my heart the moment I saw it posted on the Facebook so I asked permission from the photographer to put it in my post.

The photographer said this child stood still in front of the stone monument as if he wanted to obstruct people taking picture. How cute it is, look at his face, don’t you agree with me that his expression is precious ?

Some people might think he was such an annoying boy but who knows what he was thinking about …. “ get out of my land, you all annoying tourists! Bring your pop cultures, your funny fashions, and your ugly gadgets out from here, let my ancestor land be serene and peaceful as it was”  … Ha!!!!

Just my random thought 🙂

I wish him a wonderful future, may God bless him.