Cheese Stuffed Jalapeno

This morning I got message from WordPress, informing my blog’s 2nd anniversary. Then I checked my archive, 62 posts, wow… it may not sound a lot to many of you but to me it is big number, how did I write that all? I do hope, whether sweet or sour, my posts bring you inspiration. Thank you my followers, the readers, and the visitors!

Since today is quite special, I want to celebrate with this easy yummy recipe, Cheese Stuffed Jalapeno, enjoy!


cheese stuffed jalapeno 1

1. Clean and cut 5 big Jalapenos in half, seeded.

2. Mix the filling: 1/3C cream cheese, 1/4C Parmesan, 1/4C Cheddar, 1/4C white swiss cheese, 1 tbs green onion, dash of pepper.

3. Fill the Jalapenos with the filling, bake at 325F for about 20 minutes. Use the foil to line the pan, spray the bottom with olive oil first.

4. Add extra shredded parmesan and green onion on the top, serve.

5. Bon appétit!


stuffed jalapeno 3

Shrimp Tomatillos

Lately I’ve become more curious about the stuffs sold in grocery store or farmer’s market, specially in produce section. I used to pick the same veggies week after week, bok choy, napa cabbage, and spinach are my regulars. Last week I was attracted to this cute tomato like fruit, Tomatillos!!! I grabbed 1 pound of it, just because the look and the name are so cute, no idea how I would use it … I thought “ahh, no worry, uncle google will offer help as always”. Later I found this recipe at It’s a keeper, will make it again.

Please be aware this recipe going from stove top to oven, so oven proof pan is ideal. However I use regular pan then transferred it to casserole dish.

1.  Heat 2 tbsp oil in pan. Add 1 chopped medium onion and 2 seeded & minced jalapenos. Cook until onion begins to brown.
2.  Add 3 garlic cloves ( minced ).
3.  Add 1 pound tomatillos ( cut in small wedges ), sprinkle salt as they are cooking. Cook for 10 minutes.
4.  Add 1/4 cup water, followed by adding 1 pound shrimp ( cleaned and deveined ) and 1 cup feta cheese, stir slightly.

5.  Bake in preheated 400°F oven for 10 minutes.
6.  Remove from oven, add 1/4 cup chopped cilantro, pepper to taste, and a squeeze of lime juice.
7.  Bon appétit.