Flower Bouquet Valentine Cake

I’m definitely in cake decorating mood, as you can see this is my 3rd post in a row… well I just started learn about it and find out that decorating with buttercream is so much fun.

The church community I involve in had a valentine luncheon last sunday, and I brought this cake as part of the celebration. Since the very beginning this cake was all about its decoration, I focused mostly on how it looked like than how it tasted like 🙂 … I wanted to use this cake as my learning canvas for some buttercream flower techniques I saw in pinterest. As you will see, there are variation of flowers and colors.


valentine cake 1


valentine cake 4


valentine cake 3


valentine cake 2


For the decoration portion alone I spent almost 4hours, major part was in mixing and testing the color. What can I say, I really enjoyed it.. didn’t feel that long when you did something that you like.

I’m pretty happy with the look 🙂

Happy Valentine, hope this inspires you!


valentine cake 5

Ladybug Birthday Cake

As I said before, I don’t have many occasions to make a cake that I can experiment with the cake decoration… so making this cake for my little one 3rd birthday was a big deal to me, not only because I got the chance to decorate it but also because this was the 1st time for me to make her birthday cake. For her 3rd birthday cake, the theme is ladybug… I also made her dress with ladybug theme, I will post it later.


ladybug cake 5


This was my 1st time to make fondant figure, ladybug… got the idea from pinterest. Lesson: wear gloves when mixing the color, it’s hard to clean once it stains our hands especially with red and black color.

ladybug cake 3


ladybug cake 1


ladybug cake 2


The buttercream I used was American buttercream which is mixture of butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla. I’m happy with the final result, more important I’m happy that my daughter loved it.


ladybug cake 4


Sweet Rose

pink rose 1

Actually I have no idea what rose is this, I just name it sweet pink rose because it’s been very sweet all these years, no diseases, no blackspots, flowering very freely, only moderate water need, not demanding at all. I even got it for free… from garden trash bag. My neighbor was pruning her rose when I asked for some of branches that were about to be thrown away. I just stick them in the soil and here they are, total 3 rose plants.


pink rose 3


I put wire support, the one I usually use for tomato, it looks even better… looks elegant. The flowers can be heavy they bring its branch down to the ground.

pink rose 4 copy



pink rose 2


pink rose 5

The other 2 are beside the sidewalk, I cut them back quite often to keep them bushy and low.


pink rose 6





Crochet Flower and Planter – DIY

Do you like collecting plastic or glass containers? I do, chobani yogurt container is among them. I usually use it for flower and vegetable seedling before transplanting to the garden. Looking from its shape, it pretty much resembles the flower planter which brought this idea of making mini flower and planter for my baby’s room decoration.


planter 1

I used single crochet following the shape, just add or reduce the count whenever needed.

planter 6


plantar 7


plantar 8

The original flower pattern is found here, but I modified mine by adding rows to get bigger flower.

plantar 9


plantar 10

For the stem I did chains to wrap the wire then attached it to the flower.

plantar 11

I don’t have pattern for the leaves, they all are vary in shapes and sizes, basically just round oval pattern.

plantar 12

Attach and assemble the flower into the planter.

planter 2


planter 3


planter 4


planter 5

Baby shirt crochet & applique – DIY

When we left hospital last month, we got 1 dozen plain white newborn shirt …. actually some of them are 3m baby size. My baby wore this shirt home and whenever I put it on her or fold it after laundry I still feel amazed how time goes so fast and can’t believe she is here with me :). Now that she’s graduated from newborn to 1m baby I want to make this plain white shirt looks more special with some flower and color.

Onesies 7


The hospital plain white shirt.

Onesies 1


I used embroidery thread and crochet hook D. The pattern is from http://www.aestheticnest.com.

Crochet pattern :

Chain 4, Slst.

R1: Ch2. 9dc in center of the ring. (10dc)

R2: Ch5. Skip next dc. *1dc in next dc. Ch3. Skip next dc.** repeat * to **. Slst in 2nd Ch of beginning Ch5. (total 5 Ch3 spaces)

R3: working on the Ch3 space (sc, hdc, 3dc, hdc, sc). Slst in the 1st sc (5 petals)

Onesies 2


R4 : working on the skipped dc in R1, change color if you want. Ch3. *Slst in the next skipped dc. Ch3**. Repeat * to **, Slst in the base of 1st ch3. (total 5 ch3 spaces)

R5: working on Ch3 space (sc, hdc, 2 dc, hdc, sc). Slst in the 1st sc. (total 5 petals)

Onesies 3


For leaf, I used scrap fabric from Fun with batik: living room pillow project.

Onesies 4


Stitch the crochet flower onto the shirt.

Onesies 5


Onesies 6


My Baby 1m limited edition shirt!!!

Onesies 8