Chicken Pot Pie

Ever since I found the recipe for quick puff pastry I’ve never bought frozen ready pastry sheet from store anymore. Once you know that it tastes much better and actually not as hard to make it as you thought before, you may end up like me, making your own puff pastry. Puff pastry is very versatile, you can make many different recipes with it, Chicken pot pie is one of them. I also use it often for snack, like pastry roll up and banana puff pocket.


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The chicken soup filling recipe is by Barefoot Contessa from food network.



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Spring Festival Dress

This is my 1st DIY project this year and my 1st post in 2015… happy new year everyone!

To start the year I made my little one the dress for upcoming spring festival aka lunar new year which will be celebrated on Feb 19. For this special occasion people who celebrate it usually wear red color, it’s believed to bring luck and happiness. So here it is the red cherry blossom dress for my darling.


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