DIY Felt Donuts

My second felt project, Felt Donuts… they look pretty real to my little one she thought they are really for her afternoon snack 🙂

This is very fun project to make, you can personalized the frosting and sprinkles or toppings to whatever your imagination tells you.


Felt Donuts 1


The main material is brown felt for the donuts, as for the frosting I used whatever left over felt I had… you can also use scrap fabric.

Here is the tutorial, the pictures aren’t too good since I made them in the night.


Felt donut 2

  1. Prepare the felt for the donuts and frosting. For each donut you need 2 brown felt and 1 frosting. People usually use Disc as template, for this donut I cut it a litte bit smaller.
  2. Cut the outer edge of frosting felt to irregular shape, attach the sprinkle or toppings( buttons, felt pieces, beads) then sew the piece to the brown felt as pictured.
  3. Put another piece of brown felt on the top, sew the outer edge together.
  4. Flip inside out.
  5. Fill it with stuffings and hand sew close the inner edges.
  6. Done!


felt donut 3