Sweet Rose

pink rose 1

Actually I have no idea what rose is this, I just name it sweet pink rose because it’s been very sweet all these years, no diseases, no blackspots, flowering very freely, only moderate water need, not demanding at all. I even got it for free… from garden trash bag. My neighbor was pruning her rose when I asked for some of branches that were about to be thrown away. I just stick them in the soil and here they are, total 3 rose plants.


pink rose 3


I put wire support, the one I usually use for tomato, it looks even better… looks elegant. The flowers can be heavy they bring its branch down to the ground.

pink rose 4 copy



pink rose 2


pink rose 5

The other 2 are beside the sidewalk, I cut them back quite often to keep them bushy and low.


pink rose 6





A Slice of Spring at Atlanta Botanical Garden

Spring is my favorite season. it reminds me of hope, the hope for new beginning, the hope for new circle of life, the hope for a better tomorrow. Watching all those beautiful plants sprouting, growing, and blooming in the rhythm of spring symphony really awes me. How sweet is spring, how sweet is life.

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Sweet Hyacinth

The first flowering bulb I planted in my garden was Hyacinth. Coming from tropical country, I never saw this flower before until 4 years ago when I sat in an office with this flower gracefully sent its fragrant in the room. That moment I said I want this flower.

Its sweet fragrant brings back the memory of Ama, my beloved grandmother ( my mom’s mother ), such a talented gardener with extraordinary heart. She liked to put a flower above her ears. Her favorite one was a tiny yellow flower which fragrant was very similar to hyacinth, unfortunately I don’t know what is its name.

Now my hyacinths are almost spent, but the memory of its fragrant is always there, just like my memory of my Ama 🙂


The Tree Dilemma

Berakhir sudah dilema 3 thn ini, decision antara keep the trees or cut them down, bye –bye tress. Sedih juga rasanya, pohon yg sudah tumbuh sejak rumah ini berdiri harus ditumbangkan dlm 3 jam. Semoga 2 tress cut down tidak sampai berefek banyak pd global warning, at least aku sudah membuat planning bagaimana harus meng-compensate dgn green actions lain nya, .. Go Green !!!! Hopefully setelah ini  bisa peacefully bangun dipagi , tanpa gregetan mendengerkan tupai yg melompat-lompat dr pohon ke atap rumah. Juga ketika laporan cuaca memberitakan adanya thunder storm atau tornado, hati lebih tenang karena pohon besar yg dekat rumah telah diamankan.

Proses nya dimulai dari jam 11 pagi sampai 2 siang, melibatkan 4 orang penebang pohon professional dari perusahaan berlicensee & berasuransi khusus, dengan 1 truck berikut mesin grinder. Tidak ketinggalan 2 orang dari perusahaan stump removal dengan mesin remote control mereka yang super cool ( krn baru pertama kali ini melihat mesin begitu ). Untuk skala pekerjaan semacam ini, proses tadi termasuk cepat, total biaya $670. Ini the best deal dari semua company yg sudah memberikan quotation nya, yang termahal adalah $1380, wow sama dengan tiket pp ATL-JKT, gak rela banget deh.

Total pohon yang sudah ditebang sejak pindah ke rumah ini : 5 pohon ( 2008 ) + 1 pohon ( 2010 ) + 2 pohon ( 2012 ).  Bayangkan saja bagaimana tdk feeling guilty terhadap mother earth. Tapi semuanya ditebang untuk good reason : daun di fall yang menyumbat talang, kebun sayur kekurangan sinar matahari, pertimbangan cuaca and angin besar, and tupai-tupai hyperactive. So no regret, kecuali dari sisi $$$$ nya * big smile *

Thanks Tree Guys !!! semoga berkat kesehatan dan keselamatan berserta kalian dalam bertugas.