Indonesian Kalasan chicken

This menu makes me feel “at home”, somehow makes me forget I am half of the globe away from my hometown. For those looking for recipe that incorporates turmeric, this may suit you.  This is Indonesian traditional fried chicken recipe, very popular and you can find it almost everywhere in Indonesia, though sometimes people use different name but usually we can tell from the basic taste, turmeric and coriander.


ayam kalasan 1


1. Prepare and cut the chicken. I hope this picture would give you idea about  the size of the chicken I used since I didn’t know its weight.

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2. Prepare the ingredient: 1 lemon grass(cut), 2 fresh turmeric about 1.5″ each, 5 shallots, 4 garlic, 4candlenuts, 4 bay leaves,3″ galangal, and 1 tbs coriander. Ground the turmeric, shallots, garlic, candlenut, and coriander. My method is using food processor  by adding 1C of water, quick and easy.

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4. A. Arrange the lemon grass, bay leaves, and galangal on the top of chicken in the medium pot.

B. Pour the liquid from food processor. C. Add water just enough to cover the chicken (not too much to make the chicken floating). Add about 1 tbs salt, taste it once the water start boiling, add more if needed. D. Leave it for 15 minutes(this is my additional step to make sure the chicken absorbs the seasoning thoroughly), cook for 1 hour until the chicken is tender.

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5. Drain the liquid,  you can store it in air tight container in the fridge.

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6. Fry in medium heat oil until golden brown, serve!

ayam kalasan 2

Fun with Batik

I bought my first Batik fabric during my trip back to Indonesia last year. It was because I didn’t want to spend nearly $28 for a batik pillow cover sold at Pendopo, a high end store for Indonesian art & craft. My mom, my sister, and I began the planning to make our own pillow covers. We went to Pusat Batik pasar tanah abang where you can find all kind of batik fabric in reasonable price.

I used to have thought that batik is dark, brown, old, and not fun but when I saw how much batik design and quality have progressed I was quite surprise, specially Cirebon stamped batik with its colorful design. This is my pick for batik pillow cover project. The next project is for kitchen: fridge cover, apron, and oven pad. I bought the fabric, dark blue, during my trip this year then combined with left over yellow from first project.

Though the pillow cover at Pendopo is very nice and also professionally made, I think mine is more fun 🙂

More information about batik at wikipedia: