Flower Bouquet Valentine Cake

I’m definitely in cake decorating mood, as you can see this is my 3rd post in a row… well I just started learn about it and find out that decorating with buttercream is so much fun.

The church community I involve in had a valentine luncheon last sunday, and I brought this cake as part of the celebration. Since the very beginning this cake was all about its decoration, I focused mostly on how it looked like than how it tasted like 🙂 … I wanted to use this cake as my learning canvas for some buttercream flower techniques I saw in pinterest. As you will see, there are variation of flowers and colors.


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For the decoration portion alone I spent almost 4hours, major part was in mixing and testing the color. What can I say, I really enjoyed it.. didn’t feel that long when you did something that you like.

I’m pretty happy with the look 🙂

Happy Valentine, hope this inspires you!


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Ladybug Birthday Cake

As I said before, I don’t have many occasions to make a cake that I can experiment with the cake decoration… so making this cake for my little one 3rd birthday was a big deal to me, not only because I got the chance to decorate it but also because this was the 1st time for me to make her birthday cake. For her 3rd birthday cake, the theme is ladybug… I also made her dress with ladybug theme, I will post it later.


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This was my 1st time to make fondant figure, ladybug… got the idea from pinterest. Lesson: wear gloves when mixing the color, it’s hard to clean once it stains our hands especially with red and black color.

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The buttercream I used was American buttercream which is mixture of butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla. I’m happy with the final result, more important I’m happy that my daughter loved it.


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Rose Bouquet Butter Cream Decorating – Anniversary Cake

This is a special project to me, not only because this is our 10th anniversary cake but also because I’d been looking forward to decorate a cake like this. To be honest, I don’t have many occasions where I can experiment with cake decorating… we only have 3 birthdays and 1 anniversary in a year, often times we celebrated it during our visit to Indonesia which means we had the cake from the bakery there. So moment like this is quite rare.

I’m a big big fan of butter cream decorating, it looks delicate soft and elegant to me.. well I also see many fondant decorating which are very cute and lovely but it never gives the same awe as when I see butter cream decorating.. what I mean here is when I compare them apple to apple in size and theme. But of course fondant can provide you with more possibility given its flexibility.


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The hardest part was not the flowers part, it was how to get the smooth cover on the cake. There is tutorial about using Viva paper towel to smooth it which I will try next time.

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I had so much fun preparing the flowers… my best friend said to me that it’s actually kind of our me time and stress relieve, since we both share about the same hobby and passion (craft and art), and she is totally right.

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Happy anniversary to us.

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